Friday, March 7, 2014

Mystery Skype

Guest bloggers Bella and Jolie had the job of photographer and reporter.

"Today in school after lunch Mrs. Kelleher's class traveled to the library for a special treat.  Mrs. Kelleher's class had the opportunity to mystery Skype with a class around the world.  The whole class was ecstatic to know their different job to figure out where the class we are skyping lives.  It's very suspenseful to find out where the other class lies on the earth.  We asked many astute questions.  In the library we have shared many giggles and have been starting little chats to figure everything out.  We figured out they are in Glen Allen, Virginia.  We also found the name of their school David Kaechele School.  It was an exciting experience for Mrs. Klelleher's class."

Students are asking thoughtful questions to help figure out where the other school is located.

Photographer at work!

Think Tank has questions ready!

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