Friday, September 24, 2021

#Kids Need Mentors

 On Twitter this summer I saw a post from author Jarrett Learner about a program #KidsNeedMentors. The goal of this program is for "increased communication and collaboration among educators and creators, and that this will, in turn, enrich and improve the lives of kids". The author I was lucky enough to be paired with is Jaime Berry the author of Hope Springs.

I partnered with Doreen Kelleher's 4th-grade class for this amazing opportunity. 

Before our zoom visit, students made predictions based on the cover of her book and we sent this along to Mrs. Berry.

We had our first author and class zoom meeting today. It was a marvelous experience. Mrs. Berry was kind enough to share a little about herself and her background. She read part of the first chapter to an engaged audience. Students posted to JamBoard things that would want in their special place. What would you want in your special place?

Students had the opportunity to ask questions at the end. We can't wait until our next visit.