In early December students began exploring coding skills. We utilized the site and learned to code with millions of people around the globe. It was a busy week filled with new discoveries, problem-solving, creating, and confidence building as problems were solved. Tere also was a lot of FUN!
"Our vision is that every student in every school should have the opportunity to learn computer science,"
Click on the video below for a wrap up of our learning.
Here is a hyperdoc students in grade 4-6 used. This year we called it Hours of Code because so many students continued beyond the one hour.
My google doodle |
Grade 4 Projects
Grade 5 Projects
Grade 6 Projects
Technology Essential Questions:
What are the fundamentals of computer programming?
How are algorithms used in coding?
How can you use computer programming to complete a task?
How is computer programming useful in real life?
How might you use computer programming in your future career?
2016 Massachusetts Digital Literacy and Computer Science (DLCS) Curriculum Framework:
3-5.CT.b; 3-5.CT.d