Friday, December 22, 2017

Boucher Recipe Book 2017

A tradition in Mrs. Boucher's class in the month of December is to gather holiday family favorite recipes.
Around Thanksgiving, the students are asked to find a favorite recipe when their family is gathered together. They then create a google doc and add a picture of that food. After editing and editing, they are then ready to enter their recipe in the shared google slide project.
Click on the pages below to find a new recipe to add to your holiday meal.

Happy Baking

Tech Tip:
Begin a google slide template and share with the class. Students duplicate the template slide and copy and paste from their doc.

Thursday, December 21, 2017

Friends of ISHI

Happiness Ambassadors
What started out as the reading of a simple book titled ISHI turned into a mindfulness project filled with deep thoughts on how to make the world a better place.

Students in Mrs. Boucher's fifth-grade class each brought in their own rock. The new friends were created and named.

We are ready to spread happiness and kindness.

Picture on the green screen ready for the final project.

Students had one slide on a shared google slide project to add their own thoughts. Click through the book below and help us spread the word.

Tech Tip:
We used a shared google doc to select our emotion before we completed the book.


Sunday, December 17, 2017

Hours of Code 2017

In early December students began exploring coding skills. We utilized the site and learned to code with millions of people around the globe. It was a busy week filled with new discoveries, problem-solving, creating, and confidence building as problems were solved. Tere also was a lot of FUN!

"Our vision is that every student in every school should have the opportunity to learn computer science,"

Click on the video below for a wrap up of our learning.

Here is a hyperdoc students in grade 4-6 used. This year we called it Hours of Code because so many students continued beyond the one hour.
My google doodle

Grade 4 Projects
Grade 5 Projects
Grade 6 Projects

Technology Essential Questions:
What are the fundamentals of computer programming?
How are algorithms used in coding?
How can you use computer programming to complete a task?
How is computer programming useful in real life?
How might you use computer programming in your future career?

2016 Massachusetts Digital Literacy and Computer Science (DLCS) Curriculum Framework:
3-5.CT.b; 3-5.CT.d